White-throated Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, & Eastern Phoebes
More of our wintering birds!

Eastern Phoebe
White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis)
The White-throated Sparrow has a bright white throat and a splash of yellow between the eyes. It's distinct whistle, "Oh-sweet-canada-canada" or "Old-sam-peabody-peabody," can be heard from the tops of trees. This sparrow hangs out on the edge of woods, thickets, pastures, and frequents backyards. They are ground foragers, and use both feet to scrape the dirt, and then jump on anything they uncover. The white-throated sparrow arrives in Texas in October, and winters through the end of April. They can often be seen at bird feeders in search of seeds.
Ruby-crowned Kinglets (Regular calendula)
The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a small, plump bird that is gray-green in color with a with a white wing bar that has a black one directly underneath. They are noticeable by their hovering and plucking of insects from tree foliage while constantly flickering its wings. This bird winters in Texas from mid-September through early May.
Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)
The Eastern Phoebe is part of the flycatcher family that is abundant from November until March. Recognized by its tail-wagging while perched, its found in woodlands, often near water. They eat insects, small berries, and fruit. Eastern Phoebes make their nests from mud, moss, and grass, and attach it to rock overhangs, bridges, culverts, and building ledges. Unlike most birds, they will reuse their nests. **FUN FACT: The Eastern Phoebe has a mutually beneficial relationship with white-tailed deer by perching on their backs and foraging for deer lice.
Keep Weston Lakes Beautiful is immensely grateful for the generous sponsors and patrons at all levels who have made the creation of a Neighborhood Bird Sanctuary possible. It will be a beautiful slice of nature for all to enjoy and a legacy for the future.
Tribute Tree Sponsors
Jennifer Francois
Rick & Barbara Oneto
Lucy Moyer & Joyce Tipton
Eagle Sponsors
Randy & Gayle Wooten
Aqua-Springs Ponds and Fountains
Bownds Tree Nursery
Kevin Smith
Lee & Harold Barber
Mike & Kaye Surface
John & Patricia Greene
Robert Reading
Wild Birds Unlimited Katy
Bluebird Sponsors
Brooke & Joey Beierle
Zomper Family
Jason & Susan Hall
Stroll Weston Lakes
Adonay Painting
Dr. Glenn and Eunice Buchanan
Pivaral Lawn Care
WL Ladies Golf Association
Bob & Jane Poe
Allison & David Dewees
Hummingbird Sponsors
Gloria & Robert Riley
Linda Bennett
Janet & Everett Owen
Design by Knight Interiors
Janet & Rodney Bartek
Julie & David Sawyer
Jeanna Bure/Larry Engel
Bill & Rhea Ragle
Terry Oliver
Robert & Sandra Pfaffenberger
*list as of 11/4/2022