Olive, Daisy, and Lexi

Pet's Name:
Olive, Daisy, and Lexi
Type of animal/breed:
1 beagle and 2 beagle mixes
Pets age:
All are 11
When & where did you adopt your pet?
Beth got her 2 dogs Olive and Daisy when they were puppies. Olive was from an “unexpected “ liter of pups from her daughters friend. Daisy was adopted a year later from a local rescue. Tom grew up with Beagles and adopted Lexi while he was living in Maryland. Tom and Beth met online in 2021 and his beagle Lexi was included in a profile picture which led to a first date.
What made you decide to make your home your pets forever home?
2 of my 3 daughters were in high school and living at home and asked for the dogs. Tom always wanted a beagle and his 3 children wanted a puppy.
How did your pet get his/her name?
I’m not sure but the family made a decision together
Does your pet have any favorite toys, places to sleep, visit etc?
They love to go on walks and take naps on the couch.
Tell us something quirky or funny that your pet does:
Olive only has 2 teeth left due to cavities but she is the alpha of the pack
Is there anything else you want to tell the neighbors about your pet?
Olive can’t see well anymore and barks at everyone and we are sorry but she can’t bite you because of her lack of teeth.