Shift Your Identity to Reach Your Goals in 2025

Leveraging Our Thought Lives to Capitalize on Our Potential

Isn't it amazing when someone makes a huge change? Whether it's losing 100 pounds, giving up certain addictive foods or habits, saving more money, or decluttering, we all likely know friends and family members who seemingly dug so deep inside themselves they found a new side of themselves. 

Recently, listing to a podcast by Dr. Joe Dispenza and Lewis Howe, Dr. Dispenza made a profound statement: Your personality is your personal reality and you can't change your personal reality without changing your personality. As he says, "A belief in yourself must be earned."

We have to believe in the future more than we believe in the past. Dispenza says, "More people believe in their past than believe in their future." I loved a quote he made to "Remember Your Future."

As we turn the page into another year, it's a great time to reflect on who we really are versus who we want to be. Many of the people I know who have undergone.a significant transformation experience a deep shift in how they perceive their identity - their personality changes. They aren't just someone who runs, they are a runner. They are just someone who cleans sporadically; they are a polished, organized person. 

Dedicate some time this month to think about where you've been and where you want to go - the sky is the limit when we begin to picture more of what we want and give up on chronic worrying and disbelief AKA praying for the things we dread most. This year, truly strive to meditate on good things and who knows where we will be this time next year!