Tucker and the Terrible Twos
Tucker is a mischievous little guy with a big heart!

For June we are bringing you the tenacious, stubborn, sneaky, and completely adorable Tucker. Tucker has been a resident of WingHaven his entire short life; just shy of two years. He is a handful but his family loves him despite his ornery demeanor.
"Hello Everyone, I am Tucker and I am an almost two-year-old Maltese. I came to live with my family when I as very young. I don't remember much about the trip to them but I know that when I arrived they had tons of toys for me and I could not have been happier.
My favorite things to do are to play with my toys. My favorite toy is "Lambo", he is a white furry Lamb that is as big as I am. He and I go everywhere together. I carry him around with me because he doesn't like to be lonely and we always cuddle when we sleep. I would say besides my mom and dad he is my best friend.
I have lots of other toys that I like too. Squeaky toys, soft toys, chewy toys, and bouncy toys. My mom and dad think it's weird but when we play I like to growl when it's time for them to throw my toy. Sometimes they lose track of playing with me and this usually gets their attention.
I love my house and running around in it is one of my favorite things also. It's just like a race track and I am increasing my speed every day! Mom and dad can get a little frustrated with this sometimes. I try to tell them, If you're so frustrated why don't you just run with me - it's a lot more fun than just sitting there. Maybe they know they would lose the race so that's why they don't run with me. Oh well, gotta keep practicing!
I have a beautiful voice, I like to use it a lot because I like the way it sounds. Mom and dad are always telling me to be quiet and they even got me a special necklace. When I bark the necklace gives me a tingle. I don't really like it very much but as soon as they take it off of me I love to make up for all the barking I didn't get to do while I was wearing it!!
I also really like going outside and going potty. The going outside is not always the funnest thing to do, but when I come back in I get a treat. Mom and dad keep my treats under the sink so as soon as I come in I head straight to the cabinet. Don't tell them but sometimes I go stand there hoping they will give me one without realizing I didn't really go outside. It doesn't work all the time but it has worked, so I think I'll keep it up - I mean the odds are in my favor and all.
I do like to hang out with other dogs but my family has a lot of big dogs. It's not a problem but when they come over I kind of have to show them who's boss. I mean, these are my toys and this is my house. Luckily all my furry family friends are really nice and pretty much just let me do what I want. I like them to, but for the time being it seems like more fun to antagonize them a little.
Well, I hope you liked getting to know me and if we ever meet, maybe we can play with some of my toys."