Doc & Marty
Two brothers bringing mischief, laughs, and love to the Barnes Family.

This month we have a real treat, two brothers who have a zest for life and a family that spoils them rotten! Justin and Sandy Barnes moved to O'fallon about 3.5 years ago. Unfortunately, their 7 year old Doodle passed away shortly after they arrived. After two years the Barnes family knew it was time to expand their family. Being excited, they thought having two puppies would be a good idea… lol. Come to find out, it was a great idea that brought lots of mischief, fun, and laughter!
Hi everyone we are Doc and Marty! Both of us are 16 month old Golden Doodles. We were born into the same litter so that makes us brothers. We remember the day when the Barnes Family chose to make us a part of their family. It was a cold but sunny day and we were excited about going to our forever home, but even more excited about being able to go together. We will never forget when they drove up in a big orange SUV. Marty was a bit overwhelmed with such a big car and he got sick all over me, Doc. It was not the best way to ride home but what are brothers for.
Tell us about your family and your friends:
Doc: In addition to our mom and dad Sandy and Justin, we also have two sisters. Autumn is completing her residency in FL and Heaven lives close with her husband,Joey. We like to play with our sisters and hang out when we get a chance.
Marty: We also have lots of friends that we like to hang out with. We have already attended two birthday parties and we got to host our own birthday party. Pup cakes are one of our favorite treats. Because we are so adorable and funny we have our own instagram page so that our fans can check in on us anytime they need a laugh.
What are some of your favorite things to do:
Doc: Well, in addition to birthday parties, some of our favorite things to do are to wake up our parents very early in the morning by climbing all over them with a mouthful of toys.
Marty: After mom and dad wake up we spend our mornings scoping out the bunnies and then we move into afternoon socializing. We love our daily walks and getting to see lots of friends on the way!
Do you have any special talents:
Doc: Mom and dad say that our greatest talent is fitting more toys in our mouth than anyone else.
Marty: We could also hold the record for destroying toys the fastest and obliterating every blade of grass in the backyard. Even though we can be a bit destructive, our family loves us a ton!
Tell us why you love your family so much:
Doc: We love our family because we get the run of the house and our toys magically get replaced after we remove the stuffing.
Marty: We also love to snuggle up on the couch with (on top of) mom and dad in the evenings and mom and dad don’t complain at all that we are 65 & 75 pounds. I think they are just grateful to have us with them!
Does your family think you are angels or do they find you naughty:
Doc: Our family would probably tell you that we are a good mix of naughty and nice. Mom says we are angels when we sleep for some reason. I think I am mostly an angel but Marty can get a little bit of an attitude because he really wants to be the boss even though he is kind of scared of everything.
Marty: I think I am pretty angelic, but Doc likes to bark at anyone who is too busy to stop and see him when he is outside in the yard. My brother has some work to do on being more angelic like me.
What kinds of treats or food do you enjoy:
Doc: We can be very choosy and will turn up our noses at most treats, but we absolutely love Blue Grillers. We have one every night before bed. When Marty thinks it is close to bedtime he runs into the bedroom to wait for his nightly treat, even if it is not quite time yet. I’m not sure when he’s going to learn this doesn’t work?
Marty: First of all, I do love Blue Grillers but we can’t forget about birthday party Pup Cups, delicious! Second of all, my plan, each evening, to get my treat early works a lot. My brother, Doc, should thank me for being so prepared and making sure Mom and Dad don’t forget.
Why do you love Doc and Marty so much:
The Family: Although they can definitely be a lot of work, furry friends are the best and we could never see ourselves without at least one. We love the unconditional love Doc and Marty offer and can't wait to be greeted anytime we are out of their site for 1 minute or longer. It is like having kids in the house again.