Ranger vs. Roomba, Round 1

Pet Name
Yellow Lab, male
Where/Why did you get your pet?
We were looking online for a rescue Labrador retriever after our last dog died, and my husband came across a litter of “white” Labs being advertised as available in Anahuac, Texas. We showed pictures of the puppies to one of our sons and he thought Mr. Tan (his collar color) looked the cutest. We went and visited the couple whose pets were the parents and fell in love with Mr. Tan.
Is there a story behind your pet's name?
Since our older son got to name our last dog 10 years before, we let our younger son name the new puppy. He got approval for several names he swang by us and ultimately decided on Ranger. It fits well since we live in Texas.
Anything special/unusual about them (talents/quirks)?
He always has to have a toy in his mouth when around people. If he can’t find a toy, he will grab anything he sees when someone approaches him. Most recently, he walked around the house with a small chunk of firewood.
What do you like best about your pet?
He makes us laugh everyday. Sometimes it’s because he sneaks onto the bottom level of a glass coffee table when he’s hot. Sometimes it’s because he muffle-barks at a sound he hears with a toy in his mouth. Sometimes it’s because he likes to fall asleep sitting up when riding in the car. He’s a goofball.
What is your pet's favorite toy or thing to do?
He loves carrying around little aliens that were part of a UFO toy set he got for Christmas. He chewed up the actual spaceship as well as the ears and arms of the spacemen, but otherwise is very gentle with the remainders of the little guys.
Any funny stories to share?
He is scared to death of the Roomba and barks anytime it makes a beep. When I run it, I have to keep him locked upstairs. I have a silly little video of his first encounter with the Roomba on his Instagram page with “Mr. Roboto” playing.
How spoiled is your pet?
He’s very spoiled. Not only does he have his own Instagram page, he gets to go for lots of walks and car rides, has his own perch at a front window of the house, and is pretty much the center of attention at home. I work from home so he probably gets too much attention.
What else should we know about your pet?
His best buddies in the neighborhood are Boomer, Pecos, Scout, Ladybug (it’s not mutual for her, though! lol), and Sandy.