Luvin’ the Forgotten Ones with the Lambards

Candace grew up in Salado, TX with a high school graduating class of 64. Wes grew up in Richardson, TX with a high school class of 1,500. Other than that, they have quite a lot in common. Soon after attending DBU, Candace moved to Bryan/College Station to finish out at A&M (class 07), and to get a little closer to that small-town feel. This brought her to the love of her life; 3rd year senior, Wes Lambard. He jokes he was just waiting around for Candace to arrive but ultimately preferred career building over the education aspect. After dabbling in different majors such as Business Management, Nutrition, and Marketing; Wes went to Sports Management. It seems the kick in the butt he was looking for came around October 2005 when the real turnaround was put into motion. He quickly recalls that was their first kiss, and he was as shocked as anyone when he got it. From that moment the dabbling days were over in more ways than one, and he set in motion the plans to marry her.
He couldn’t really say if this was by design or not, but one month after they were married, Wes walked into his boss’s office to discuss some ethical concerns he had found within the company structure. The boss decided it was time for Wes to pack his bags, call it an early day, and not come back. So now he's home before 7pm for the first time in awhile and he tells Candace what happened. He fondly recalls how she received the news with no fear that her new husband was at that moment unemployed. After much prayer, Wes moved out of the beverage industry and into medical supplies. They prayerfully asked to move anywhere but Houston and that’s exactly where God sent them. Within years, Wes had found a better way to do things, began his own business called Dub Enterprises, and led his company to be the number one foot and ankle focused distributor in Texas. He’s recently expanded into Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Florida. They laugh it’s all of their favorite places to visit, which may put Colorado next on the list. That’s where their favorite vacation spot and rental house, Wolf Creek, is located.
They almost moved to Woodforest right off the bat in 2009, but decided to hold off. But in 2014 they took the plunge and built their home on Spyglass Park Loop, where they still live today. Their three kids all have distinct personalities. Pierce (13), carries himself like a grown man, and has been given a leadership role as a new student at Legacy Prep Academy. Hudson (11) is a bit more rambunctious, he’ll give you a friendly punch to the gut but also displays a heart of service. Their baby, Noel (9), is full of life. She wanted to be a veterinarian until she found out sometimes they have to put pets down, so she’s looking into different Wildlife Rehabilitation programs. Even after their three kids, Candace didn’t lose a bit of that maternal instinct, and they were inspired by pastor Greg at Restoration church to take in orphans. Wes recalls learning at the Love Fosters Hope Conference that if every family in Montgomery County could adopt one child, there’d be none left in the entire state of Texas.
In the early days, Candace and Wes would get their quality time at the iconic Sweet Eugene’s Coffee in College Station. Coffee remains an integral part of their relationship today as part-owners of the beloved Luv Coffee right here in Woodforest. They wanted to not only bring great coffee to the community, but let it be an avenue for finding great homes for the forgotten children around the world. We plan on doing a full spotlight on CoreLuv, the beneficiary of Luv Coffee, in the next few months. Keep an eye out for that.
Truth is, the Lambard’s are well known for their big hearts and generosity. Candace leads a Young Adult class at Restoration on Thursdays and Wes coaches at Upward for all three of his kids. They are supporters of YoungLife, PACN, Texas Youth Summit, CoreLuv of course and All Things Made New; a mentoring program out of Dallas.
Please join us in giving three cheers for the Lambards and all they’ve done for this community.