Small World Stories, Part One

I labeled this Part One because I have a feeling there will be a Part Two next month.. If not, please disregard. Either way, I love small world stories and find myself always looking for them so maybe it’ll be a running thing. 

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this but I grew up in Oak Ridge and went to Oak Ridge High School. Back then, we were the only school I knew of that had an Academy of Science and Technology. I've spoken to some very intelligent people since then and found out we weren’t the only one, but we were the one that kids from The Woodlands joined. Some of my friends weren't sure what to think of these kids from The Woodlands coming across the highway to our school. They wore Abercrombie and we wore American Eagle. Completely different people. Within my first two weeks of High School I was asked to write the name of one of these students named Sabih on the blackboard. I spelt it "Sobby" not to be rude but simply to have fun and also I was a very phonetically-minded student. He got a good laugh at it and because he did we became good friends. By the end of the year most of my friends were from The Woodlands. One of those high school friends lives in this neighborhood, and it was his neighbor that gave me the suggestion to do an article on the Conroe High Academy for Science and Health Professions. And that brings us to the magazine in your hand.

This is my second issue that required tons of parents to pull off. Thank you to all of you for dodging the hurricane and insanely busy schedules to get together for the cover photo. And thank you Elle Harrison for proving this magazine isn’t lame and writing the keynote article introducing all of your fellow students.