Publisher's Note
Our 100th Issue

This January edition of Stroll Wyomissing is our 100th issue of this publication started in 2014 as Wyomissing Neighbors. I’ll admit to a sense of accomplishment in reaching this milestone. One hundred of anything is a lot. One hundred is a powerful number; it is positive and optimistic. One hundred percent means you gave it your all, the full amount.
As publisher and owner of Stroll Wyomissing, I must thank our wonderful advertisers who, without them, this magazine would not exist. They all believed in the importance of supporting us and having their ads seen every month in this free magazine by you, the readers. In return, I ask that you use their products and services when the needs arise.
Thanks go to all our writers and photographers who, over the years, have contributed and given life to this publication.
Going into the future, we plan to do more of the same — articles about Wyomissing residents, all things local. Our stories are from and about the readers, and we always invite your ideas and photos. We want this magazine to be informative and fun and one that reflects the quality of Wyomissing.
With Best Wishes to you and your families for a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2023!
Thank you,
John Bieber
Owner and Publisher, Stroll Wyomissing
Contributors at Large
We are always looking for our readers to contribute photos, stories or story ideas. Everyone is invited — kids, amateur and professional writers, and photographers are encouraged to submit anything related to Wyomissing people and places. Let’s celebrate the great things happening in Wyomissing! Email us at or call or text 484-269-9824.
*****(top of page right column same layout as NOV 22 edition)*****
John Bieber, 484.269.9824
P.O. Box 6706, Wyomissing, PA 19610 —
Amy Miller *****insert photo Amy Miller*****
Mark and Kerri Searfoss, Commercial Art Images,
M.Photog., CPP, Cr., PPA Certified, Searfoss Photography, *****Insert Photo: Kerri and Mark Searfoss*****
Lindsey Hart, Lindsey Hart Photography
Visit her on Facebook & Instagram *****Insert Photo: Lindsey Hart*****
Contributing Writers
Phyllis J. McLaughlin *****Insert Photo Phyllis*****
Cooper Young *****Insert photo Cooper*****
Shauna Osborne
Vicki Swain
Brian Sutherland